GEONETCast: Delivering Environmental Data to Users Worldwide

GEONETCast’s Mission: “Provide data distribution system within GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) by which environmental data and products will be transmitted to users through regional networks over communication satellites”.


GEONETCast-Americas Station at SIPAM (Amazon Protection System) in Brazil. The SIGMACast software is running on the upper-left monitor.

GEONETCast is a global network of sustained and cost-effective satellite-based dissemination systems.  It delivers Earth observation (EO) data and products to GEO (Group on Earth Observations) community activities, initiatives and flagships on a routine basis.


GEONETCast currently serves approximately 6,000 users in 169 countries.

GEONETCast is also used for EO data transmission where high-speed landlines and/or internet are not available, or in regions where terrestrial communication lines have been disrupted by disasters. More than 200 users in Africa rely on GEONETCast for data access.

In the Americas, GEONETCast has extended access to GEOSS resources to over several dozen national networks including in Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Mexico.

The use of the GEONETCast system is based on GEO’s founding principles of open data sharing, so country participation in the utilization of GEONETCast system promotes GEO’s strategic objective of advancing broad open sharing of EO globally. GEONETCast also engages with partners in public and private sectors, and in academia to build capacity in the use of Earth observation in a wide range of application areas through hands-on training events.

GEONETCast’s Objective: “Provide global information as a basis for sound decision making in critical areas and strenghten international cooperation on global Earth Observation”.